Recent News

As your local water utility provider, we strive to keep you continually updated on all matters related to your water service. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you!

Public Hearing Notice - CDBG Funds


to Consider Proposals for CDBG Funds

The DEL REY COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT will hold a public hearing to consider projects that could...

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Draft IS/MND- TCP Wellhead Treatment

The Del Rey Community Services District has published a notice to inform you of the availability of the Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) prepared for the TCP Wellhead...

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Del Rey Confirmed Cases of COVID-19

Here is the latest update from the Fresno County Department of Health COVID-19 Epidemiology...

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COVID 19 Closure of District Office

To protect the health of the public and our staff and to conform to the statewide "shelter in place" order, the Del Rey Community Services District is closing its District Office to residents and...

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COVID-19 - Shelter in Place

On Thursday, March 19, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom set mandatory stay-at-home restrictions to help combat the coronavirus.  Since the order went into effect, all nonessential services such as...

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No Fats, Oils & Grease in Sewer

Food Scraps, Soups, Sauces, gravies, dressings, oils and meat fats go in the trash.  When you put through the garbage disposal or wash down teh sink with hot water, Fats, Oils and Grease coats...

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Del Rey Community Service District Launches a Brand New Website! Subscribe Today!

We are excited to announce that our new website has launched and includes all the information our community needs related to their water service. Check back often, as we will be adding information...

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